#Team sonic racing tier list driver#
The main driver behind the tier a game ends up in is my personal experience with the game. Its rating will go up once the game contains everything it was supposed to have on release. If I review a game that was massively hyped and then released half-finished ( Cyberpunk 2077, No Man’s Sky etc), then it will default to Disappointing.Not all indie games or environmental narrative games will be in the Experimental tier, only ones that will have a niche audience within fans of more unusual games.The Failure tier won’t get much use, as if I dislike a game that much I’m probably not going to play it for long enough to write a review.The Cool tier is where most generally-good games would live, and so it will be the option I choose most. Most of the games I talk about will land in the middle of the table.Or, games with such extreme technical flaws that they can’t be played/enjoyed. Games that offer little or no enjoyment e.g. Generally, eople who like weird indie games /art games will enjoy them, while people who don’t like them won’t. Games that are so novel, or so reliant on deconstruction or meta-narrative, that they are polarising. Or, very generic games that don’t have any new/ creative ideas.
#Team sonic racing tier list full#
technical or design issues made them difficult enjoy to their full potential. Games that had an interesting concept but executed it poorly e.g. games that are technically polished but formulaic, and games that are enjoyable but not impactful.

Games that are just “good” – competent and fun, but not extra-special. Games that offer a consistently great experience, are finished to a high standard, and have very few weak points.

Games that are the pinnacle of their genre, or even the inventor of a genre. Games that are so strong in design, gameplay and enjoyment that they offers an excellent experience to many different audiences. I’ll also keep a running list of games I’ve reviewed in each tier below – consider this post the meta-post for my game reviews! Tier While this will change in future if I need it to, the table below contains the rough framework that I’ll use for comparing games. While I don’t want to get as granular as using a number or percentage system, as I think that I would then focus too hard on those numbers at the expense of looking at the individual games, I did want to add some kind of structure.Ī more general tier or category list, that covers the most likely possible options without forcing reviews into a rigid scale, seemed like the best approach. One part of this, for me, is figuring out how I compare games to each other. Given that game reviews have accidentally become my most common posts on this site, I wanted to make sure I was doing them as fairly and as well as I possibly could.