It is sung by Emma Gelotte and Tinna Karlsdotter from the band All Ends. King Arthur's theme song is " Fight the Knight ", a song by Crush 40 for the two boss fights Sonic has with him. Unironically With Me is one of the best Sonic songs. Sonic and the Black Knight will provide Sonic fans with an irresistible cast of characters and teach them all what it takes to be a true hero and the ultimate knight.
Feel free to suggest what’s next from the list below (though keep in mind I’m doing only one game at a time – once one’s started, the rest are on hold until it’s finished). )You know (You know)Every world will have its test (have its test)Don't blame (Don't blame)For what I have become!You know (You know)Every world will come to end (come to end)And I'll (And I'll)I'll create your final rest!I can taste the day (taste the day)Savor night (Savor night)Scream your dreams, as you dare to fight!Dare to fight!My eyes (my eyes) are filled with curiosityYou think (you think) that you have power over me!In this life (this life) there's no room for you and me!So turn away, or face this day with me! Escape From The City - Ted Poley & Tony Harnell (Sonic Adventure 2) This particular Sonic song not … The top twenty of the US, Europe and Japan were placed in the game for display and their artists would win a free copy of the game However, one of the winning entries submitted by Antonino Miniero was discovered to actually be a replica of a piece of fan art by artist Mega777. )With me! Oh man it's so hard to choose one, i like all of them, Went with Solaris Phase 2 for the poll, but my top 3 would be. it just works very well as a final boss theme.

After having done these tips successfully, Sir Lancelot is defeated.It was typed for the primary purpose of capturing Sonic's personality and capturing the sheer intensity of the final … The song plays on a continuous loop when Excalibur-Sonic battles the transformed witch Merlina. In addition, the player can also jump back and move down in at increased speed to attack him easily. This way, he will use Chaos Control, which is the player's best way to use the Soul Surge on him to cause damage while taking into account his Chaos Blast attack. If the player has large amounts of Soul Energy, then Sonic can take distances from him. When he is using his Chaos Spears, he is vulnerable, so avoid his spears and attack him with either Soul Surge or simple sword slashes.

Sometimes, if Sonic is far from Sir Lancelot or after performing Chaos Blast, he will do a forward sword slash toward the player or use Chaos Spears, either one by one from his hand or in barrages suspended in the air. If the player has energy in the Soul Gauge, wait until he begins to lower his shield, and before he do, perform perfect Soul Surges to block and attack. When he begins to move his hands together (mostly when the player is nearing him), stop and get out as he is aiming to do Chaos Blast. Sometimes, Sir Lancelot will do also instant warp to Sonic when the player is far away. After blocking his attacks, get out of his way so he does not use the Chaos Blast and repeat the strategy.
Start the battle with a full jump and do some some quick slashes in the air, thus blocking his attacks and damaging him rapidly. Sir Lancelot is now armed with chaos powers, namely Chaos Spear and Chaos Blast and the battle progressively gets harder the more times Lancelot is hit.

This fight is more difficult than the first one. The player can also end the battle easily after guarding by a quick Soul Surge slashes. After that, when he has finished attacking, do a barrage of quick sword slashes and especially in the air, which will cause him to lose his steady, until his defeat. Begin the battle with guarding after Sir Lancelot has reached Sonic.